
  • wraithrune@yahoo.com

Averaging Humanity's Knowledge

Watching, Listening, Wondering and Learning from the World and People in Motion


Class of QH2301 B/N/U

Image Generative (ImageGen) AIs Experiments

Gathering and Exploring Various Toolkits and Formulating New Creation Flows

Student Profiling Framework

ITE Digitalisation and Sustainability Competition Submission for 2024

Motivational Quotes with Kittens

Teaching Tool for Backend Programming to Showcase Dynamic Text and Images

Secret Agent Cipher Collection

Teaching Tool for Backend Programming to Showcase Encryption of Messages

Secret Agent Cipher Collection

Secret Agent Cipher Collection

  1. Select a Cipher
  2. Type out your message.
  3. Choose an action "Encrpt a normal message" or Decrpt a message that has been scrambled by a cipher".
  4. Click on "Submit" to begin baking.
  5. Check your "Baked" panel for the secret message or the decoded message.

Baking Recipe
